Activists Retreat Reflection: What community means to me

By Zehra Patwa

My fifth experience at the Sahiyo Bohra Activists Retreat in June 2022 was, once again, eye opening, supportive, and so much fun; in particular, because I met a whole new set of North American Bohras I didn’t know before, as well as a couple of Bohras from Europe!

This year, all participants (except for the planning committee) were first time attendees. It reminded me of my first time participating at the Activists Retreat, and how I felt such a part of the community during, and after. 

Community can mean so many things to so many different people. When we talk about the Bohra community, many feel remote from it. They may not agree with all the edicts that are sent down from Central Dawat, or they’re not fully paid up, card-carrying members of a jamaat. This is a shame, because there are so many different people who identify as Bohra or who have a connection to the Bohra community; in fact, I heard a number of attendees speak of “not being part of the Bohra community.” Thankfully this event brings these people together; here we all were at a Bohra Activists Retreat! 

Community is what we make of it and the anti-FGM/C Bohra Activists Retreat is, to me, an incredibly warm, supportive and fascinating community that I hope to be part of for a very long time.

I so appreciate the support I get from the Retreat each year. It reminds me that we are not alone and that many people care about the work we activists do. 

Read the report on this year's Activists Retreat.