Exploring FGC with GBV Service Providers

Female genital cutting (FGC) is an often overlooked facet of gender-based violence (GBV) in the United States. On November 2nd, Sahiyo joined forces with South Asian SOAR to host a training session tailored for service providers in the GBV sector.

Facilitators delved into the complexities of FGC, providing attendees with insights into FGC’s various forms and the emotional and physical impacts of this harmful practice. Compelling stories from survivors, shared through Sahiyo's Voices to End FGM/C project, shed light on the intersectional identities of survivors and their emotional journeys, as well as their inspiring advocacy efforts. The training also explored the cultural contexts of FGC, examining its presence globally, and more specifically in the U.S., receiving an overview of current U.S. laws related to FGC.

A reflection discussion prompted conversations about effective ways to engage with the general public and survivors on the issue of FGC. With more than 15 SOAR coalition members in attendance, this knowledge equips service providers to offer comprehensive support, bridging the understanding gap surrounding the complexities of FGC. As one participant stated: 

This session opened the other side of GBV, which is often absent from our day-to-day narratives. Thank you💜.

If your organization is interested in inviting Sahiyo to conduct a training session, please contact Sahiyo’s Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator Aries Nuño for more information.