Not allowing my story on female genital mutilation/cutting to be hidden anymore

By Anonymous

Why did you want to attend the workshop and share your story?

I attended the workshop to finally tell my story and give it the voice it deserves. I have

never talked about my experience before, and as someone who wants to help other people share their stories, I knew that it had to start with me. For that reason I found this workshop impactful and learned a lot for myself, including how to work with those I hope to help in the future.

What story did you choose to tell and create into a digital story?

The story I chose to tell was very dear to me and something that informs a lot of the work I do

and want to get involved in. As someone who wants to go into the healthcare field, my experience with a a doctor regarding my FGM was not ideal and quite traumatising. I chose to tell my story so that those in the healthcare field better understand their role and impact on their patients.

What have you learned or most enjoyed during the workshop and by meeting others who shared their stories? 

I think I can speak for everyone when I say that I have been uplifted by the strong and kind people that were a part of this workshop. I loved the wide age range and the different ways our experiences have impacted us in different ways.

What kind of impact would you like your story to have?

I want those who have not yet vocalized their experiences to see my story and get inspired. It was  very hard and emotionally taxing at first, but the more I spoke and wrote about my story, the more I felt in charge; of how I want to see my story portrayed, most importantly by not allowing my story to be hidden anymore.


This blog was produced by Sahiyo under 15POVC-21-GG-00988-NONF, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this guide are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.