Sahiyo’s Editorial Team introduces Zoom interviews!

Sahiyo’s dedicated staff have been working to expand our reach and build a close-knit community of survivors, advocates, and volunteers for years now, and as the world responds to COVID-19, digital communication has been a consistent thread tying us all together. We want to use our many digital platforms to create a positive, impactful space for everyone supporting our mission. 

Sahiyo’s Editorial Team is excited to announce our newest development: Zoom interviews! We can’t be together in person (for now at least), but this is one way to overcome the many challenges that create a sense of physical and emotional distance within the Sahiyo community. Our Team wants to connect with you to share your stories and your vision for what a world without female genital cutting could look like. 

So whether you know someone who has been affected by FGC, you’re a survivor, or you have something to say about the work to end FGC, we want to hear from you. Over Zoom, we’ll chat about your ideas and work together to build a blog post. This is designed to reduce the pressure on those eager to share their ideas, but are intimidated by the writing process.

For more details, please email us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..