Since the end of 2015, Sahiyo has been sharing the stories of both women and men who have negatively been affected by the practice of female genital cutting within the Dawoodi Bohra Community. Now, from June 2nd to June 9th, Sahiyo and Breakthrough will be running a joint storytelling campaign to further shine a spotlight on the stories from survivors of female genital cutting from the Dawoodi Bohra community.
As you know, Sahiyo is an organization dedicated to empowering Dawoodi Bohra and other Asian communities to end female genital cutting. Breakthrough is a global human rights organization that works to make violence against women and girls culturally unacceptable.
Sahiyo and Breakthrough are teaming up to show the connections between FGC and other forms of gender-based violence by exposing how rigid gender norms and ideas around female sexuality, and consent, amongst others, support and enable a culture where violence is normalized. Stories from survivors of FGC and their allies will live on Breakthrough’s digital storytelling platform, THE G WORD: Transforming gender norms, one story at a time. THE G WORD aims to illuminate and transform rigid gender norms by harnessing the power of personal stories like those Sahiyo has collected.

Please join us in sharing these stories by following Breakthrough and Sahiyo on Facebook. The campaign will run from June 2nd to June 9th and we’ll be sharing stories, graphics, and more information around FGC. Please share individual stories from those pages!
For more information and to view the stories, click on the Female Genital Cutting tag on Breakthrough’s digital storytelling platform.
To connect with Sahiyo, e-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..