Volunteer Spotlight: Development & Programs Intern Tanya Samyak

Tanya Samyak is a junior at Simmons University majoring in Political Science and Economics. She is passionate about learning and working about preventing gender based violence and discrimination in the human rights space. She is excited to work with Sahiyo and contribute towards various interesting educational and awareness programs.

What was your experience of learning about female genital cutting (FGC) for the first time like?

I remember my first exposure to learning about FGC was in a classroom setting at my University. I felt a sense of loss by the fact that this practice was so widespread and that generations continued it after enduring the harm themselves. I was also very sad for the survivors who have to face the aftermath of this practice, which was done without their consent

When and how did you first get involved with Sahiyo?

I got to know about Sahiyo from a senior at my college, Catherine Cox, who was Sahiyo’s Programs Coordinator for several years. She encouraged me to apply for the internship. I became involved with Sahiyo as an Events and Programs intern in September 2023.

What does your work with Sahiyo involve?

As an Events and Program Intern, I support Sahiyo’s various programs and initiatives, including developing educational and informative blog posts and reflection pieces about FGC. I assist with outreach and community engagement programs like Voices to End FGM/C. I am also very excited to organize and  coordinate the logistics of an upcoming webinar that will foster discussion on the topic of community engagement with regards to preventing the practice of FGC.

How has your involvement with Sahiyo impacted your life?

I think Sahiyo has contributed greatly to my professional life. I have learned to be a team player, strengthened my communication skills, and grown in my attention to detail as I have carried out the work that I do here.

What words of wisdom would you like to share with others who may be interested in supporting Sahiyo and the movement against FGC?

Firstly, I would like to appreciate their interest in working for this great cause. FGC is a very important but underrepresented issue. Not a lot of people are aware of this form of gender-based violence, so I would appreciate their motivation and interest in joining this movement and supporting Sahiyo. I would advise them to enjoy the work they are doing, and find joy in being part of a community filled with people who are working for the same mission.