Critical Intersections of FGM/C: Law and Policy in Systems of Oppression

April 24, 2024 12:00 PM

Critical Intersections of FGM/C: Law and Policy in Systems of Oppression is hosted by the World Bank Group’s FGM/C Legal Working Group. This presentation will center findings from Sahiyo’s research related to FGM/C, with a focus on various oppressive systems and their impact on FGM/C survivors and advocates; law and policy will be discussed within the context of religion, race/racism, and xenophobia. An intersectional framework highlights the need for those working within the FGM/C sphere to understand the complex nature of identity and its impact on the survivor experience, as well as anti-FGM/C activists to understand how their advocacy work may interact with other social justice movements. This data introduces multifaceted challenges created by intersecting social oppressions, and encourages participants to think of new possibilities.


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  • April 24, 2024 12:00 PM

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