Assuming pakistan is required, and journal is required, the following results were found.

  • Violated hopes: My struggle to report on Female Genital Cutting in Pakistan

    part of a series of essays by HinaJaved on her experience of reporting on FGC in Pakistan. Read the whole series here: Pakistan Journal. (Hina Javed is an investigative journalist based in Pakistan, driven by the ambition of tackling difficult, often...
  • A tale of deception: My conversation with an FGC survivor in Pakistan

    in a series of essays by Hina Javed on her experience of reporting on FGC in Pakistan. Read the whole series here: Pakistan Journal.) The time had come to pick up that phone. Little did I know that my conversation with an FGC survivor would be more...
  • The undecided: Conversations with survivors of Female Genital Cutting in Pakistan

    in a series of essays by Hina Javed on her experience of reporting on FGC in Pakistan. Read the whole series here: Pakistan Journal.) My conversations with survivors had by now made it clear that the more answers I received, the more questions arose....
  • The unsolved riddle: conversations with survivors (Part 2)

    in a series of essays by Hina Javed on her experience of reporting on FGC in Pakistan. Read the whole series here: Pakistan Journal.) That night, after witnessing truth being replaced with the censor’s lie, I spent hours alone in my room, flinching at...

Results 1 - 4 of 4