Voices to End FGM/C
Voices to End FGM/C is mobilizing a critical mass of storytellers and activists from across the globe by bringing people together to share and heal from their experiences of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), connect and grow as leaders in their own communities, and create short videos calling for an end to this harmful practice.
History & Impact
Voices to End FGM/C is a joint digital storytelling project initiated by Sahiyo and Silence Speaks. In 2018, the two organizations launched their inaugural digital storytelling workshop, bringing together survivors of FGM/C living in the United States to surface their personal experiences with FGM/C. These nine women’s stories elevated the conversation on FGM/C in the U.S. and the stories have been widely shared through online platforms, screening events, and media articles. Initially called, Sahiyo Stories, the project has servedas an educational tool to discuss FGM/C amongst survivors and within practicing communities.
Since 2018, Sahiyo has conducted 9 workshops under the now named Voices to End FGM/C project resulting in the creation of 88 videos that have collectively garnered over 120,000 views across our social media platforms.
The Voices project is ultimately about breaking from deeply ingrained social norms by normalizing the voices of those who dare to speak publicly and openly about a harmful practice that for many communities is considered taboo to speak about openly and publicly. With storytelling comes a ripple effect, as one person’s story can inspire others to share their own. As more stories are shared, they contribute to bridging the data gap regarding the number of women and girls impacted by FGM/C globally.
After taking part in our Voices program, 92% of our workshop participants have remained involved with our organization, serving as guest speakers in events and advisors on projects, such as our Critical Intersections Research and developing educational materials.
On November 4, 2024, Sahiyo hosted a webinar featuring dynamic youth advocates, including Voices alumni Umme Kulsoom Arif, Hunter Kessous, and Saza Faradilla, as well as Sahiyo volunteers Nur Bookwala and Atiqah Suhaimi.
The webinar provided a safe and supportive platform for these young advocates to discuss their personal experiences in advocating against FGM/C and to share insights into how their advocacy efforts have evolved over time.
Click HERE to watch the webinar.
The map below highlights the countries represented by participants in the Voices to End FGM/C project, showcasing the global reach and diverse backgrounds of our storytellers.
These stories have been used on a variety of platforms as educational material, serving not only communities that continue FGM/C but also aiding in the training of healthcare professionals to support survivors, government officials who can use policy to address FGM/C, and other service providers who might be able to support survivors and work towards prevention for future generations.
Explore our Voices Screening Guide to effectively use our digital stories for FGM/C advocacy and education and our Sharing Your Experience with FGM/C Guide to empower individuals and communities in sharing personal narratives.
Voices to End FGM/C Podcast
Voices to End FGM/C has grown to include more than 80 storytellers from 19+ countries. They came to our workshops and crafted powerful short videos … but so much was left unsaid. If you’re interested in hearing more from our storytellers and learning more about the medical and legal landscape for FGM/C in the U.S. and in other parts of the world, tune in now to our podcast.
In six episodes ranging in length from 20-40 minutes each, Mariya and Amy talk with Voices digital storytelling participants about the complex familial, cultural, and political contexts of their stories. Some episodes bring in guests who have acted in their capacity as partners, therapists, public health professionals, and elected officials to speak out against FGM/C. If you’ve always wanted to know more about FGM/C, or if you’re wondering why, as a feminist or social justice activist, you should care about the topic, tune in now. All episodes are available on the Voices to End FGM/C website, as well as on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Listen to Episode Zero below:
Read about our Storytellers:

Reflecting on “Storytelling as a Tool for Female Genital Mutilation/ Cutting (FGM/C) Survivor-Centered Care” at CSW 69

Join Sahiyo, the Asian Women’s Shelter, and Silence Speaks for a Parallel Event at the 69th Session of Commission on the Status of Women in New York