Assuming detroit is required, the following results were found.

  • Detroit arrest: It is time for Bohras to get serious about ending Female Genital Cutting

    Sahiyo is shocked and truly saddened by the news that a Bohra doctor in Detroit, USA, has been arrested on charges of performing Female Genital Cutting (FGC) on minor girls in the community. While the allegations in this particular case are yet to be...
  • A response to the letter written by Tasneem Yunus Burhani, Mubaraka Tambawala, Farida Mustafa Hussain, Fatemah Hussain, and Shakera Bohra published in Detroit News

    By Umme Kulsoom Arif In response to your letter published in The Detroit News, “Dawoodi Bohra Women of Detroit speak up,” I write to you as a woman who grew up in a part of the Dawoodi Bohra community, just like you. I am also a woman of faith and...
  • #NIMBY Reactions to Detroit

    for those in the community who think of this as a cultural practice, not a criminal activity. When the story of the Detroit doctor being arrested for performing FGM/C first broke, I was not surprised at all. Yet I was met with several messages of shock...
  • Let us not vilify the Detroit doctor as we work to end Female Genital Cutting

    were doing more harm than good – that they were truly doing no good at all. A few days ago news broke of a female doctor in Detroit whowas charged with illegally performing FGM on two young girls. My first reaction – like that of many who are opposed to...
  • The Detroit doctor arrests are an opportunity to talk about Khatna

    By: Anonymous Age: 33 Country: Pune, India Even though I clearly remember when ‘khatna’ was performed on me, it wasn’t until I was a teenager that I first started to question this practice within the Dawoodi Bohra community. It always felt wrong, but...
  • Detroit FGM/C case: Why two more arrests have left me feeling bittersweet

    By: Anonymous Country: United Kingdom Age: 32 Today is a bittersweet day. The news of two more arrests linked to the first FGM case in the US has left me torn between elation and sadness; while a part of me feels like justice is being served to those...
  • ફિમેલ જેનિટલ કટિંગનો અંત કરવાના આપણા લક્ષ્યમાં આપણે ડેટ્રોઈટના ડૉક્ટરને બદનામ કરવા નથી

    આ આર્ટિકલ પહેલા સહિયો દ્વારા તારીખ 24 એપ્રિલ 2017ના રોજ અંગ્રેજીમાં પ્રકાશિત કરવામાં આવ્યો હતો. Read the English version here. લેખક: અનામી દેશ : અમેરિકા ઉંમર : 34 મારા સાતમાં જન્મદિવસ પછી તુરત જ હું મારી દાદીને મળવા ન્યૂયોર્ક ગઈ. મારી માંએ મને કહ્યું...
  • ડેટ્રોઈટના ડૉક્ટરની ગિરફ્તારી, ખતના વિષે વાતચીત કરવા માટેની એક તક છે

    (આ આર્ટિકલ પહેલા સહિયો દ્વારા તારીખ 14 મે 2017ના રોજ અંગ્રેજીમાં પ્રકાશિત કરવામાં આવ્યો હતો. Read the English version here.) લેખક: અનામી ઉંમર : 33 દેશ : પુણે, ભારત મારા પર ‘ખતના’ની પ્રક્રિયા કરવામાં આવી હોવાનું મને સ્પષ્ટ રીતે યાદ હોવા છતાં મેં મિસાક...
  • FGC in the United States

    Genital Mutilation/Cutting Genital Mutilation also occurs in the US, activists call on states to make it illegal Metro Detroit doctor charged with performing female genital mutilation on young girls US Doctor Arrested in Michigan on FGM Charges Michigan...
  • I have a story to tell - I was NOT cut: Reflecting after the Sahiyo U.S. Activist Retreat

    the question. She replied that she hadn’t and that she was, in a strange way, thankful that the conversation about the Detroit incident happened at the same time as when it was time for her daughter’s khatna. She saw all that was happening with the case...
  • Law alone cannot end the practice of Female Genital Cutting

    around women’s sexuality and reproductive health that is enforced through patriarchal social structures. I hope that the Detroit case in which a Bohra medical doctor was arrested on charges of performing FGC on minor girls, encourages more families to...
  • Sahiyo in the Media

    cut: Khatna Survey Here’s What You Need To Know About The Global Fight To End Female Genital Mutilation Bohra doctor in Detroit arrested for alleged female genital mutilation of two seven-year-olds FGM among issues under focus at women’s conference...
  • Seeing Sahiyo Stories on Female Genital Cutting Come to Life
  • A Space to Belong: My Reflection on the 2023 Activist Retreat

    Retreat Will Inform Your Work as an Activist? We had some interesting conversations at the retreat, especially around the Detroit case, and it forced me to process a lot of empathy for those who unfortunately do practice FGM/C. I also had the...
  • My thoughts on the Washington Senate Bill to end FGM/C

    I wanted to use my voice, but I did not want to disappoint my parents or bring shame to my family. As I followed the Detroit FGM case in 2018, I became increasingly disappointed as it all unraveled. Then I learned about Sahiyo and the amazing work they...
  • 31 US States Now Have Laws Against Female Genital Cutting, But Government Will Not Appeal in the Federal Michigan Case

    came in the case of Dr. Jumana Nagarwala and others, who were charged with performing/aiding female genital cutting in Detroit, Michigan, on nine minor girls. In positive news, however, 31 out of 50 states in the USA now have laws banning Female Genital...
  • Sahiyo’s statement on the Michigan case dismissal on Sep 28, 2021

    from this harm and we call on the Department of Justice to appeal this decision. Background on the case On April 13, 2017, Detroit emergency room doctor Jumana Nargarwala was arrested and charged with performing FGC on minor girls in the United States....
  • U.S. Court's dismissal of FGM/C charge in Michigan case is disappointing, but does not condone genital cutting

    when survivors share their FGC stories in the hope of preventing harm to future generations of girls. As stated in the Detroit Free Press by Tresa Baldas: The U.S. District Judge concluded that “as despicable as this practice may be,” Congress did not...
  • How the Sahiyo Activist Retreat helped me gain perspective from other khatna survivors

    For me the retreat was an outlet to figure out how to never let this happen again. I remember when the news about the Detroit case first came out; I asked a friend of mine if she went through khatna. When she said no, I immediately thought, how lucky....
  • Survivor of Mumbai: Plight to End Female Genital Cutting

    of vacation cutting (sending the girl away on a “vacation” for her to be cut) for those in America. Even all the way in Detroit, a personal shame makes it so that one may only talk about it amongst their closest friends. Fatima knows another woman, a...

Results 1 - 20 of 28