Assuming stories is required, the following results were found.

  • Deen and Duniya (Religion and the World) a film by Alisha Bhagat

    questions and the views of the interviewees are their own. Often after seeing the film, folks would share their own stories. My hope is that the film inspires you to do the same. The segment on FGM begins at the 19 min mark. However, it is recommended...
  • Announcing Each One Reach One 2: Let's discuss Khatna this Ramzan

    a word coined by the founders of abortion-rights group Exhale. Being Pro-Voice is about listening to one another’s stories with empathy, without an agenda or judgement. Learn more about Pro-Voice through this TED talk. We would like to wish each one of...
  • Sahiyo Volunteer Spotlight: Geethika Kodukula

    we are trying to create together empowers me and helps me fight the helplessness I feel in the face of injustice. Survivor stories each month keep me motivated to keep fighting. 4) What pieces of wisdom would you share with new volunteers or community...
  • Global Women P.E.A.C.E Foundation 5K Walk Against FGM

    Two of the award recipients, included Maria Akhter and Severina Sangurikuri, two women who took part in the U.S. Sahiyo Stories project. They each received a Global Woman Awards from the Global Woman Peace Foundation in the categories of Student...
  • Sahiyo Activist Needs Assessment: Learning How To Support FGC Activists

    loved ones: each person who chooses not to cut their child is ultimately making broader change. They hope that personal stories are shared by name and anonymously, with thefacilitation of active support groups, which allow a safe space for women to...
  • I attended the U.S. Bohra Activist Retreat because I hope to see an end to FGM/C in my lifetime

    in the Bohra community has been a secret and taboo subject for generations. Even today with the education, media and public stories from the survivors who have undergone FGC, the Bohra community truly believes that the practice of FGC on 7-year-old...
  • Miti sitabi: Sahiyo hosts a special edition of Thaal pe Charcha in Mumbai

    special community thaal events. This miti sitabi was open to all. At the Thaal pe Charcha event, participants also shared stories about their journeys after they started speaking out about FGC. One participant, who was attending a Thaal pe Charcha for...
  • Moving Beyond Cultural Relativism to a Call for Action to End Female Genital Cutting

    specializes in advocacy regarding FGC, even working with affected communities to diminish the practice. By sharing the stories of women involved with FGC, a wider audience becomes aware of the issue with a deeper understanding. With the combined efforts...
  • Thaal Pe Charcha Launches in California

    that exists within our jamaats and I am grateful that TPC created a safe and confidential space to hear each other’s stories and to remind one another that we are not alone in these struggles. We are all figuring out how to practice our faith with...
  • Mariya Receives Human Rights Storytellers Award

    women who have been cut on a journey of healing and empowerment. The award was given in recognition of the U.S. Sahiyo Stories project and the Human Rights Storytellers Award was presented to Mariya at MALA’s Third Annual Gala at the Chicago History...
  • Female Genital Cutting Diaries: My first encounter with the tradition of female genital cutting

    who made it her job to perpetuate a harmful practice. Most of them looked about eight years old—the year I started writing stories and met my lifelong best friend, and thought about what outfit my Barbie should wear. I’d taken many portraits of youth in...
  • Thaal Pe Charcha: February 2020

    year and is one of Sahiyo’s more successful ground activities, which provides a safe environment for sharing solutions and stories. Read about this ‘TPC’ through the lens of one participant in this thoughtful blog piece.
  • How doctors responded to my genital mutilation: An American woman's 70-year journey

    years later when she became an advocate against female genital mutilation. She also shared her story during the Sahiyo Stories Workshop to encourage other women to speak out. 1947—age 3—My mother took me to a doctor because she was concerned that my...
  • Experiencing Sahiyo’s Activist Retreat in Mumbai

    home! There were some brilliant, fantastic people there from all walks of life, sharing their experiences, sharing their stories and how they heard of FGM, how it has impacted their lives, and what they are doing about it. Our co-hosts Insia and Aarefa...
  • Sahiyo U.S. Advisory Board Spotlight: Zehra Patwa

    between friends and family. I have attended several Sahiyo retreats, as well as participating in the wonderful Sahiyo Stories workshop where I created a video describing my feelings toward the reactions I have faced for speaking out about khatna. 3) How...
  • For survivors and their doctors: An online tool about female genital cutting

    What do you want women to know? What’s even better is that women are coming forward with the willingness to share their stories, thanks to increased awareness and support from organizations such as Sahiyo that encourage them to do so. A turning point...
  • Sahiyo Hosts 'Thaal Pe Charcha' Iftar Party in Mumbai

    as “discussions over food”, Thaal Pe Charcha provides community members with a safe and intimate platform to share their stories, experiences, and feelings about the practice of Female Genital Cutting, while bonding over traditional Bohra food. At least...
  • Sahiyo U.S. Advisory Board Spotlight: Melody Joy Eckardt

    women are not even counted among the statistics. Furthermore, I am so inspired by women who join together to tell their stories, empower one another, and fight for a kinder, more respectful future for our daughters. 4) What pieces of wisdom would you...
  • Sahiyo’s International Women’s Day Celebration & Silent Auction Donor Spotlight: Zehra Patwa

    programs is the Voices workshop which brings diverse voices together and helps those impacted by FGM/C to share their stories and experiences. I saw, first hand, how impactful this sharing can be when my Voices video was first promoted in 2018. Not only...’s-international-women’s-day-celebration-silent-auction-donor-spotlight-zehra-patwa.html
  • Sahiyo’s International Women’s Day Celebration & Silent Auction Donor Spotlight: Danae Laura

    goal of empowering women WHILE ending FGM/C is baked into the process via giving women “the mic” and the chance for their stories to be heard. My heritage is mixed, and does not include a culture that practices FGM, but I am familiar with how women are...’s-international-women’s-day-celebration-silent-auction-donor-spotlight-danae-laura.html

Results 261 - 280 of 325