Assuming voices is required, the following results were found.

  • Understanding Social Norms to End Female Genital Cutting

    culture? What challenges can this pose and how can we overcome them? This webinar will bring together a diverse array of voices and give participants the opportunity to be a part of the discussion about how we can all become better educated and better...
  • 2023 Sahiyo International Women's Day Silent Auction

    will open on Wednesday, Mar. 8, 2023 and close on Sunday, Mar. 12, 2023. During this 5-day event, we will celebrate women's voices with video spotlights, stories, and entertainment. Stay tuned for a sneak peek at some of our incredible speakers and...
  • FEMALE GENITAL CUTTING A Continuing Tradition

    have some amount of higher education. They all experienced khatna between the ages of 5 to 7 years. By interweaving their voices with my own khatna experience, I hope to show the wide spectrum of emotions and experiences involved in such a complicated...
  • Now, a petition against khatna by UK Bohra woman

    Voices against the practice of female genital cutting in the Bohra community seem to be getting louder and more numerous. The latest to speak out is an anonymous Bohra woman from the United Kingdom who was subjected to khatna as a child and remembers...
  • Mariya Taher to represent Sahiyo at Women Deliver Conference

    wellbeing of girls and women in the last decade, will be held on May 16-19th. The conference will bring together diverse voices and interests to drive progress in maternal, sexual, and reproductive health and human rights. Allies from around the world...
  • Art: A Tool for Healing and Dialogue with Communities Affected by FGM

    Naomi Rosen at For more information on Tobe Levin von Gleichen and her publishing company, UnCut Voices Press, visit the blog ———————————————————————- Naomi Rosen lives in Frankfurt, Germany. After...
  • No, even ‘symbolic’ or ‘mild’ female genital cutting is NOT okay

    of progressive change in order to retain their culture of snipping it off? Why do these communities choose to dismiss the voices of the women who have suffered physically, psychologically and sexually because of these very “mild” cuts? Why do...
  • The story of my start to the holy month of Ramzan

    the women who wanted to have a voice. Why then are all these people feeling so threatened? It amuses me to see how a few voices of dissent could become such a big threat to an entire community. I am also amused to seethe kind of efforts put into...
  • Why I am a proud supporter of Sahiyo

    Bohra women speak out fearlessly against patriarchal censorship within the community. Whenever Muslim women raise their voices they are accused of playing into orientalist projects or the Hindu right. When will you stop suspecting our motives and listen...
  • Insia Dariwala receives Women Have Wings Courage Award

    and acted upon. Be it with diaspora communities in the US or back in India, Insia has been one of the faces and the voices of a small group of brave survivors denouncing the practice and calling for its eradication.” To learn more about Insia’s award,...
  • Here I am, sharing my story: Watch a Dawoodi Bohra woman narrate her Khatna experience

    why she chose to speak out. “By sharing my story, I hope to reach out to those who have suffered and can’t find their voices, to those who are unaware of this practice and most importantly, to those who can help us eradicate FGM/C completely from our...
  • How I found out Khatna exists and why I choose to speak out

    I do not want to have a hypothesis of the results I will get, rather I wish to incorporate in my research as many voices as I can, both those who are pro-khatna and those who oppose it. My job as a researcher will be to be open to all narratives and...
  • Sahiyo and Khatna survivors get attacked online through ‘organized trolling’

    of something they feel. Furthermore, it is only a clear exhibition of intolerance prevalent in the community, which quells voices of the people who don’t agree with their mandate. Sahiyo strongly condemnsonline trolling of those who have voiced their...
  • Why I Chose to Tell My Story About Female Genital Mutilation at the Sahiyo Stories’ Workshop
  • Sahiyo Stories - Women in the U.S. Share Stories on Female Genital Cutting

    sentiment. The women’s joint hope in creating and sharing these videos is to build towards reaching the critical mass of voices needed to prompt social change. They hope their stories demonstrate that there is an increasing trend of support for...
  • Donate to Sahiyo U.S.

    of Women from Female Genital Cutting. By supporting our U.S. storytelling initiatives, you ensure that survivors’ voices are heard. And that we continue to work towards the abandonment of female genital cutting (FGC) for future generations of girls. For...
  • Examining Female Genital Cutting and Intersectionality

    under a tyrannical religious clergy might force these men to be more critical of existing power structures and hear thevoices of marginalised women. Once again, I was wrong. I learned that the patriarchy, embodied by these ‘reformist’ men, can never be...
  • Intern Spotlight: Sahiyo editorial intern Jenny Cordle

    encourage abandonment of female genital cutting. 2) What does your work with Sahiyo involve? I have the honor of honing the voices of many who share their experiences on the blog with FGC through storytelling and editing. 3) How has your involvement...
  • Reflecting before we move forward: Overview of global FGC news from 2018

    one full of pain and hope, but also moments of triumph. As 2019 just begins, we at Sahiyo hope the year brings forth more voices, more protection for women and girls and more progress in this area. We continue to believe that we can create a world where...
  • Sahiyo USA's Second Annual Activist Retreat: A recap

    Needs Assessment, findings suggest that having a support system in place was crucial towards building a critical mass of voices seeking to create change. Both the Activist Retreat and Saathi program seek to do so. To read reflections from participants...

Results 161 - 180 of 305