Assuming voices is required, the following results were found.

  • Everyone’s Responsibility: Discussing the Role Male Allies Play In Preventing Female Genital Cutting

    become involved in conversations about FGC. After a short introduction to our panelist’s work, and a screening of Amiji’s Voices to End FGM/C Film Listen, the Q&A portion of the event was initiated. Panelists answered questions about their work, the...
  • Sahiyo stands with AAPI communities experiencing racist violence

    a collaboration between the Asian American Feminist Collective and Bluestockings Bookstore, to hear Asian feminist voices speaking out. Trauma is inherited, and the suffering of some in the AAPI community can take a toll on all members. If you are...
  • Using purity as a means to control women through Christianity and female genital cutting

    opinions on this now, they would probably avoid the question. Over the years, evangelical Christians have softened their voices, particularly in regard to the role of women and the LGBTQ community. This may be attributed to the growing resistance from...
  • Female genital cutting: Underacknowledged and underrecognized in the United States

    by Joanna Vergoth, founder and executive director of forma, among others. During the training, we also used some of our Voices to End FGM/C videos to highlight the lack of education on how to support survivors of FGC in the medical field and the...
  • Practitioner and advocate training: Best practices for working with survivors of gender-based violence

    of gender-based violence. During this event, we provided an overview of FGM/C and GBV, as well as shared videos from our Voices to End FGM/C project. These videos helped our audience better understand the complicated emotions and experiences survivors...
  • Sahiyo volunteer spotlight: Social media intern Kristel Mendoza Castillo

    been tasked to post content about Sahiyo’s campaigns such as the behind the scenes of Activists’ Retreats, or the ongoing Voices To End FGM/C 2021 project. I have been able to watch and listen to so many people’s stories and that has made me want to...
  • Understanding female genital mutilation/cutting: An ally’s call for action

    and autonomy.” The recognition of the harms of FGM/C is increasing day by day as many are filing petitions, raising their voices and sharing their stories with the help of nongovernmental organizations. I have the opportunity to voice my thoughts...’s-call-for-action.html
  • Sahiyo staff spotlight: Development coordinator Shelby Smith

    like Sahiyo that speaks out against violence. I love working with a team that has a passionate spirit and uplifts the voices of other women. Sahiyo has such a loving and supportive community that I feel truly honored to be a part of. What words of...
  • Upcoming webinar: Exploring the connections between religion and female genital cutting

    including why it occurs and how it affects millions of women around the world. We will hear 3 expert speakers raise their voices while sharing insightful professional and personal experiences.The webinar will be moderated by Sahiyo U.S. Executive...
  • Sahiyo India to host a panel discussion on ‘How to Stop the Rising Trend of Medicalising Female Genital Cutting in Asia’

    is an important issue to address in the work against FGC. During this webinar, we will bring a diverse variety of voices to the panel to discuss the different elements of medicalising FGC, offering their own expert reasons for, and the dangers of, this...
  • Sahiyo’s Book Club to hold second event in February

    DC. Through SLH LLC, we reach out to the underprivileged, just not in economic spheres but also to those women, who voices have been silenced. Shabnam is an award winning author of her memoir called A Fractured Life, which was published in the USA in...
  • Sahiyo volunteer spotlight: Editorial intern Kristin Grady

    University of Washington. As an enthusiastic grammarian and dedicated feminist, she is passionate about elevating women’s voices through storytelling and communal dialogue. Kristin has spent many years as a genre-fiction specialist and intends to use...
  • Reflecting on the launch of the first-ever Research Agenda and Ethical Guidance on Research for the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation

    to see so many youth activists and students present on the call, taking a firm stance against FGM/C. Young people’s voices are being heard around the globe, giving them power to become drivers of change. I am sure these students found the webinar as...
  • Sahiyo staff spotlight: Programs assistant Meg Sinnott

    was compelling. Watching the first few videos on Sahiyo’s YouTube channel of survivors sharing stories crafted through the Voices to End FGM/C Digital Storytelling program had a profound impact on me. Personally, I knew when I graduated that I was...
  • A love letter to my mother who cut me

    because only you can give them accurate representation. So, when the opportunity came, I had to say yes to joining the Voices workshop and recording my story! I wanted to learn how my story had evolved as my understanding of my survivorship crystallizes...
  • Including non-cis-women as FGM/C survivors

    By Dena Igusti I wanted to be a part of this year's Voices to End FGM/C digital storytelling workshop so I could talk more about my experiences navigating being a non-binary survivor of FGM/C. Unfortunately, a lot of statistics and narratives...
  • Releasing my unspoken words

    So, when I heard storytellers talk about their experience with female genital mutilaiton (FGM), I thought about my own. The Voices to End FGM/C digital Sstorytelling workshop helped me put into words a story I have been holding on to myself. I chose to...
  • Webinar reflection: Centring Community in FGM/C Behaviour Change Theory

    The webinar will investigate the tension between social norms and FGC activism by bringing together a diverse array of voices. Participants will have the opportunity to be a part of the discussion on how we can all become better educated, and better...
  • Reflecting on the 5th Annual Activist Retreat for members of the Bohra Community

    followed by an interactive storytelling session, with smaller break out groups, by StoryCenter’s Amy Hill (our partner in Voices to End FGM/C), which prompted much conversation and sharing of experiences. After each day’s session, we built in an...
  • Sahiyo volunteer spotlight: Development intern Avery Boudreau

    community, nor am I a survivor, but there are many ways to support Sahiyo and create a critical mass of people and voices calling for the elimination of FGC. After reading posts from the#EachOneReachBhaiyo campaign, I realized it really can take a...

Results 201 - 220 of 305