Framing FGM/C: Understanding and Engaging with Cultural Sensitivity

August 22, 2024 03:00 PM

Date: Aug 22, 2024

Time: 12:00- 1:30PM PST/3:00-4:30PM EST 

Registration Link:  

This session will focus on ways of framing FGM/C that respect cultural contexts while advocating for the prevention of the practice and support for survivors. This session will cover understanding the types, prevalence, and health risks of FGM/C, explore the cultural and social contexts that sustain the practice, and address misconceptions about who is impacted by FGM/C, emphasizing its global and local nature. Additionally, the session highlights how the manner in which FGM/C is framed in discussions and media can significantly influence the movement to end the practice. Participants will learn how framing shapes public perception, informs policy decisions, and enhances community engagement, taking away practices for sensitive and respectful conversations to support these goals.

By the end of the session, participants will:

  • Have an enhanced understanding of FGM/C (i.e., the types, prevalence, and health risks)
  • A better understanding of the cultural and social contexts that perpetuate FGM/C. 
  • Awareness about how framing around FGM/C can impact the overall movement to end the practice. 
  • Be equipped with foundational best practices to discuss FGM/C sensitively and respectfully.

Additional Resources: Sahiyo’s Media Toolkit & Communication Guide


All Dates

  • August 22, 2024 03:00 PM

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