Annual Reports

Annual Report: Sahiyo U.S: June 2019-June 2020

Throughout this past year, our programs have expanded to support larger numbers of women impacted by female genital cutting.

Our Voices to End FGM/C project alone saw the creation of 37 new original digital stories stories. Running since 2017, the program involves survivors coming together to heal from their FGC experiences and create their advocacy videos. The program has received sizable number of participants from a diverse range of countries including the United States, India, Singapore and Zimbabwe.
#MenToEndFGC, our Male Ally campaign is another one of our success stories from the past year. The campaign encouraged over 40 men across the globe –  from Ghana and Kenya to multiple regions of India and the United States-  to share stories via our various digital storytelling platforms about how FGC had impacted the women in their lives, including their wives, daughters, sisters, or female friends. Each participant made it clear that they were in ally in ensuring FGC ended for girls and women worldwide. 

All our work could not be completed without the wonderful support of our volunteers. And in this past year, we’ve grown our volunteer program by 70%, with 50 volunteers from over 9 countries. 

To learn more about our vital work this past year, please take some time to read the Annual Report. 
Thank you for being part of our journey.