Monthly Archive

December 2024

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 3 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
News & Blog

Sustainable Development Goals: How the UNs Benchmarks Align with Sahiyo’s Mission to End Female Gential Cutting

By Elaina Baliner Sahiyo’s Fundraising and Auction Intern Elaina Baliner is a recent graduate of The Ohio State University where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Health and Rehabilitation Scie... read more..

News & Blog

Reflections on the Sahiyo Activist Retreat: A Transformative Experience

By Maryam Kamal Eldin When I first heard about the Sahiyo Activist Retreat, I knew I had to be a part of it. The retreat presented a unique opportunity for me to connect with others who shared th... read more..

News & Blog

"The Beginning" screened at a special Thaal Pe Charcha event in Mumbai

By Aarefa Johari On October 26, 2024, Sahiyo hosted a Thaal Pe Charcha, or TPC, event in Mumbai. TPC is Sahiyo's flagship program initiated by the Sahiyo team in India, bringing small groups of c... read more..

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