Sponsored by the Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the United Nations Permanent Observer Mission of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to the United Nations
Location: Ex-Press Bar – GA Building (max. capacity: 100)
Speakers include:
- Women in Islam, Inc. founder, Aisha al Adawiyah
- StoryCorps producer, Cailey Cron
- Muslim Women’s Story Lab participant, Tamara Issak
- Hijabi Monologues founder, Sahar Ullah
- Sahiyo co-founder, Mariya Taher
- Breakthrough’s the G word, Ishita Srivastava

Mariya Taher
Description: With the rise of Islamophobia in mainstream media, the need to produce alternative narratives that amplify the voices of Muslim women telling their own stories has never been greater. In the last few years, storytelling collectives like the Muslim Women’s Story Lab and Hijabi Monologues have created platforms for Muslim women to reclaim their own narratives, whether discussing issues of women’s leadership and mosque access to rising anti-Muslim sentiment and questions around race and solidarity with broader social justice movements. Mainstream storytelling initiatives, such as StoryCorps, have sought to engage diverse communities, including Muslim women, through community-based outreach. Others, like Breakthrough’s the G word or Sahiyo’s new FGM/C storytelling initiative that aim to spark discussion on gender identity and gender-based violence through interactive digital platforms. Through this roundtable, we hope to bring together a diverse set of speakers, all involved in storytelling as a vehicle for social change, to focus specifically on how their platforms can be used to amplify the voices of Muslim women worldwide. We hope that you can join the Permanent Missions of the United States and the OIC at this roundtable discussion.
For your registration to be accurately reflected, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject line: “Muslim Storytelling”. Please note if you are not already in possession of a UN Grounds Pass or registered to attend CSW with a Temporary Grounds Pass you must register by March 16, 2016.
For more information, visit http://www2.unwomen.org/en/csw/csw60-2016/side-events/calendar-of-side-events#21March
For more information on CSW Side events, visit http://www2.unwomen.org/en/csw/csw60-2016/side-events/calendar-of-side-events