Washington Senate Bill 5453 concerning female genital mutilation/cutting moves forward in the Senate

On Tuesday, February 14th at 4:00 pm PST, SB 5453 concerning female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in Washington will move to the Senate Ways and Means Committee and for a Public Hearing. 
Here is how to get involved:
  1. Submit written testimony
  2. Testify virtually
  3. To vote pro
  4. Testify in-person

Statement from the Washington Coalition:

We are a newly formed Coalition working to end the practice of FGM/C in the State of Washington. We comprise a broad group of survivors, stakeholders and advocates. Forty US States have laws banning the practice of FGM/C. Washington has yet to address this important human rights issue in any manner. This proposed legislation SB 5453 under review today is a good first step towards ending the practice and supporting survivors in Washington State.

Review the Washington Coalition’s factsheet to learn more about this bill and its significance.