Voices to End FGM/C: Seeking artists for social norm change project

Sahi32116875_599132283756674_95332584455667712_n-e1550871714233.jpgyo is thrilled to announce the “Voices to End FGM/C” global storytelling project in collaboration with StoryCenter , which will support a group of ten women who have experienced female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in telling their stories. 

StoryCenter is a community-arts organization that has for 20+ years worked with grassroots groups on participatory digital storytelling and media arts projects.  

 DSC_0073We are seeking women artists (illustrators, painters, animators, graphic designers, etc.) to illustrate the stories, as a way of preserving the anonymity of the storytellers. The stories will be recorded in June 2019, and artists will work on illustrations in July, with the goal of completing the videos in August (all video editing will be done by StoryCenter staff).

Check out a sample story from our previous work with survivors of FGM/C.

If you or an artist who you know would like to get involved as an artist with this project, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than June 1, 2019 for details on what will be required.

Each artist will receive a stipend of $200 U.S.

To download this information as PDF, click here.

If you are interested in telling your FGC story and would like to apply to be a participant, click here