Assuming huda is required, and syyed is required, the following results were found.

  • Being a researcher: Finding balance

    By Huda Syyed The biggest challenge of being a researcher is to be impartial during the data collection process. However, for the researcher, conducting any area of research will come with some personal sentiment or perception regarding that topic....
  • Sleeping researchers and lack of data on female genital cutting in Pakistan

    By Huda Syyed Two decades ago, I flipped through Reader’s Digest to distract my mind from schoolwork and the sweltering summer heat of Pakistan. My eyes glanced at the brief excerpt displayed mid-page with a glossy picture of a famous Somalian model,...
  • How to have a dialogue: Storytelling & Conversations

    By Huda Syyed It took me a while to realise that research isn’t just about crunching numbers and gathering quantitative data. When dealing with issues such as female genital cutting (FGC), human interaction and communication can play a more important...

Results 1 - 3 of 3