Assuming stories is required, the following results were found.

  • Amidst the pandemic, Sahiyo releases 11 more Voices To End FGM/C stories

    two organizations have held a total of five workshops, supporting 49 storytellers from 16+ countries in sharing personal stories of courage and transformation. With the onset of the global pandemic, a shadow pandemic of increased gender-based violence...
  • Sahiyo to release nine new Voices to End FGM/C digital stories

    and others impacted by FGM/C from around the world. Together, these storytellers heal by connecting and sharing their stories, while growing as leaders. So far, we’ve held seven workshops in the past six years, supporting over 70 courageous souls from...
  • Voices to End FGM/C
  • Voices reflection: Building our stories for the world

    describe to you the experience that I had in my mind and body during the six sessions that we had together, building our stories for the world. One by one, we brought images and symbols that served as metaphors for pain and trauma that we had all...
  • Khatna Isn’t Black Or White, Just Like My Story
  • Sahiyo and StoryCenter host virtual storytelling event on the intersection of race and female genital cutting: A reflection

    men – speaking out against the practice, I felt the strength, resilience, and bravery that empowered them to tell their own stories. I realized I could never understand the full extent of their vulnerability and power after I participated myself – for...
  • Stories
  • Stories of survival, strength, solidarity and sisterhood

    By Nevin Sulthan I am a survivor of female genital mutilation (FGM), and I have met many others from my community who have undergone the same violation. Even though there are many survivors of FGM, the community hardly acknowledges its existence. The...,-strength-solidarity-and-sisterhood.html
  • Sahiyo's New Video Campaign: No More Female Genital Cutting -Volunteers Share Their Stories

    advocates Do help us share this tapestry of powerful voices that are part of the ‘No More FGC- Volunteers Share Their Stories’ campaign by sharing these videos with your own networks. Find them on Sahiyo’s Youtube or Facebook today!
  • FAQs

    everyone. To hear more about the health consequences of FGC from the perspective of those affected by the practice, watch stories from our Voices to End FGM/C collection.For more information on mental health impacts of FGC, reach outto forma. WHERE IS...
  • Voices Series: Survivors are more than their stories

    storytelling, Voices to End FGM/C enables those who have been affected by female genital mutilation/cutting to tell their stories through their own perspectives, in their own words. By Maryum Saifee Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains in the heart of...
  • Why I Chose to Tell My Story About Female Genital Mutilation at the Sahiyo Stories’ Workshop
  • Voices Series: Naima Dido

    all of their obedience to culturally expected behavior—inspire me to reach for my own dreams so that I could tell the stories of the trails they blazed with their blood, sweat, and tears, and most importantly their resilience and survival. In sharing...
  • Digital advocacy: The future of activism for survivors and activists

    plunge and have engaged in storytelling to protect future women from being cut. As allies, it is our job to amplify their stories so that more people may hear them and become inspired to create change. I recently attended a webinar that spoke about how...
  • You are not alone

    the workshop and share your story? I love storytelling and I come from a long line of storytellers and poets. I believe stories have a way of capturing the minds, leaving lasting impressions and/or education. Being a survivor of Female Genital...
  • Seeking Storytellers for Voices to End FGM/C - A U.S. based digital storytelling workshop

    In 2018, Sahiyo and StoryCenter brought together nine women from across the United States to create personalized digital stories that narrate experiences of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). These women, who differ in identity and experience,...
  • Our History

    genital cutting in Pune. Spoke at Women Deliver Conference side event in Copenhagen. Sahiyo partnered with Breakthrough. Stories from survivors of FGC and their allies went live on Breakthrough’s digital storytelling platform, THE G WORD: Transforming...
  • U.S. Court's dismissal of FGM/C charge in Michigan case is disappointing, but does not condone genital cutting

    was, “That’s crazy.” Then my mind shifted to what had happened to me on October 19th, at the inaugural screening of Sahiyo Stories, a collection of digital stories created by U.S. women who have undergone FGC or who have loved ones who have undergone...
  • Voices to End FGM/C Launch: 27 survivors and activists create videos to share their stories

    and communities around the world. ‘Voices to End FGM/C’ supports women and men impacted by this issue to tell their own stories, through their own perspectives, in their own words. Participants receive training on how to create videos at workshops held...
  • Storytelling with Sahiyo: Four actors narrate FGC survivor stories at a unique event

    with Sahiyo”, featured four critically-acclaimed Indian film actors who performed narrative readings of the personal stories of four Female Genital Cutting survivors. The event was led and hosted by Sahiyo co-founder Insia Dariwala, along with WIFT...

Results 21 - 40 of 325