Assuming stories is required, the following results were found.

  • Voices Series: How I reconnected with my purpose through storytelling

    storytelling, Voices to End FGM/C enables those who have been affected by female genital mutilation/cutting to tell their stories through their own perspectives, in their own words. By Nonya Khedr Sahiyo and StoryCenter created a remarkable experience...
  • Voices Series: Why your story is worth sharing

    storytelling, Voices to End FGM/C enables those who have been affected by female genital mutilation/cutting to tell their stories through their own perspectives, in their own words. By Mariam Sabir I walked into the workshop thinking, “I should’ve just...
  • Sahiyo participated in key virtual events with global organizations in October

    Since 1993, StoryCenter has collaborated with individuals, grassroots groups, and organizations to centralize first-person stories in social justice efforts. The current political reality demands ever-more creative approaches to advocacy. On Oct 14th,...
  • Why one Bohra woman shared her experience with female genital cutting publicly

    that speaking out is a “defamation of the faith, its leader and those who practice” khatna. Her piece was one of the top 50 stories of the year for Broadview Magazine in 2020. As she suspected, many women sought her out to share their stories of having...
  • My experience of learning about female genital cutting: An outsider’s perspective

    sensory nerve endings. I kept on watching and re-watching documentaries, the narratives on FGC, and listening to survivors’ stories. The more I listened to their stories in an attempt to understand the social process, the more I felt the survivors’...
  • Voices reflection: Feeling connected even when you may not be

    at the same time? How do you find answers and solace from strangers across continents? It is through experiences and stories. That’s what Sahiyo and Storycenter’s Voices to End Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) program brought to me. The Sahiyo...
  • Voices reflection: Sharing my narrative

    years. In my head, the Voices program was an in-person workshop where a community of people got together to share their stories. However, COVID-19 happened, and this in-person experience was transformed into a virtual series. I was nervous going into...
  • Sahiyo partners with FAWCO to lead an educational webinar on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in the United States

    which sounded promising, but that data collection is in its early stages. In another part of the webinar, various survivor stories from the Voices to End FGC project were introduced. Renee Bergstrom’s story was particularly powerful in addressing and...
  • Sahiyo staff spotlight: Programs assistant Meg Sinnott

    that my mother sat down and told me about; instead, it trickled into my subconscious through microaggressions, news stories, and personal experiences. Secondly, as a White Atheist living in Europe, I struggled to understand religiously-rooted...
  • Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse Belong in the Movement to End FGC

    responses as I read words I would normally avoid: cutting, labia, orgasm, vagina, genitals, clitoris, consent. I read the stories of survivors, and I held space for their pain, grief, anguish, and their bravery. Over timeI realized that so much of their...
  • FGC in the United States: How Americans can help end this practice 

    I found the opposite to be true. I was empowered and inspired by the women at Sahiyo who had the courage to share their stories and uplift others. I think it is understandable that people have reservations about this topic; it can be uncomfortable. Even...
  • Topple the system- question the microaggressions

    since our childhood. It is not only a part of our religious scriptures but also has deviously made its way into the stories we tell to our children. Personally, I grew up on stories where women were always the damsel in distress and the prince somehow...
  • From Saving Safa to Seven: How authors use writing to shed light on FGC

    as I agreed that the practice of FGC ought to end, I’d never been asked, or asked myself, to sit down and engage with the stories and lessons of the actual activists on the front lines working to end it. As I made my way through Dirie’s critically...
  • Voices to End FGM/C: Seeking artists for social norm change project

    , which will support a group of ten women who have experienced female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in telling their stories. StoryCenter is a community-arts organization that has for 20+ years worked with grassroots groups on participatory digital...
  • Support Sahiyo’s Work this Giving Tuesday

    in North Carolina and Washington, D.C. At these workshops, 20 individuals affected by FGM/C were able to create digital stories of their experiences that will be used to educate communities on the harms of the practice, and potentially protect future...
  • Moving Forward

    was spared from being cut. A big thank you to them! However, I have many family members and friends who have told me their stories. Among the stories, there are so many similarities. 7 years old, summer holidays, rickety old stairs, elderly lady, pain,...
  • Who are you, really?

    like a virtual book club, joining with thousands of other viewers and commenters to play, analyze, and discuss our favorite stories, characters, and recurring motifs in the games we love. That’s how I discovered SOMA, a sci-fi horror masterpiece by...,-really.html
  • South Asian SOAR launches Zine

    In May 2023, South Asian SOAR launched a Zine to commemorate and honor the stories of 16 South Asian survivors of gender-based violence who took part in their 2022 pilot storytelling workshop. The program consisted of a Storytelling Workshop, ongoing...
  • Reflecting on Sahiyo’s Voices Healing Circle

    navigating the challenges, and celebrating the successes encountered post-release of their Voices to End FGM/C digital stories. This particular Healing Circle engaged Voices alumni who were open to sharing personal experiences from the release of their...’s-voices-healing-circle.html
  • The African Women’s Clinic: An Interview with Australia’s Only FGM/C Clinic

    Nigisti. This need for greater cultural awareness and competency amongst care providers is made clearer when patients share stories with Marie and Nigisti. Patients discuss all kinds of negative healthcare encounters they’ve experienced prior tofinding...’s-clinic-an-interview-with-australia’s-only-fgm-c-clinic.html

Results 81 - 100 of 325