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Newly Released: Sahiyo’s Toolkit on Survivor and Community Engagement!

Here at Sahiyo, we believe that every individual and community impacted by female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) deserves to be heard, supported, and empowered. That’s why we’ve created the How to Engage Survivors & Communities Impacted by Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C): A Toolkit for Creating Engagement (or Survivor & Community Engagement Toolkit, for short). A resource built for those on the front lines of prevention efforts, survivor advocacy, and community outreach. 

FGM/C is a deeply complex and culturally sensitive issue, which makes engaging with impacted communities challenging, but essential. This toolkit provides practical guidance and best practices for outreach, education, and support. It’s not just a collection of strategies; it is a product of lessons learned from real-world efforts across the U.S., gathered throughout 2023-2024 from grassroots organizations who have been working tirelessly to support survivors and prevent the practice of FGM/C.

Why Survivor and Community Engagement Matters

In the movement to end FGM/C and support those impacted by it,, engagement is key to progress. In our experience, and based on the insights shared with us from other organizations, we recognize that it’s not enough to just raise awareness—we need to connect, listen, and build trust with the communities impacted by FGM/C to fully engage on the topic. 

But what does "engagement" truly mean in this context?

Engagement means showing up—not just as advocates or professionals, but as compassionate listeners, who seek to understand and not just respond. It is about actively connecting with and fostering understanding among a diverse group of individuals, including those who have experienced FGM/C, their families, friends, and even those who have not been directly impacted by FGM/C. Meaningful engagement creates spaces where survivors feel safe to share their stories, where their experiences are valued, and where they can contribute to solutions. It’s about bringing everyone into the conversation- men, adolescents, community leaders, elders, religious figures, teachers, and other local officials. The more voices we bring to the table, the stronger we become as a movement! 

“Unless you are engaged with the community, it's very very hard to recruit women. They are culturally very sensitive. And they really don't want to talk about it, about FGM/C, the harmful practice they have been through. For example, I am the impacted, the victim of FGM/C, I have the same experience as them and they feel comfortable to talk to me about it. They don’t trust you by the title, they trust you if you build a relationship with the community.” - Rufo Jiru, Anolee Sisters

*This toolkit was completed on September 30, 2024.

What’s Inside This Toolkit?

We know that every community is unique, and we also know that addressing FGM/C requires multiple approaches that respect and reflect those differences within impacted communties. The toolkit is organized into sections that take you step-by-step, identifying the best ways to engage, support, and collaborate with the communities you serve. Here’s a glimpse of what’s inside:

  • Survivor and Community Engagement - An Overview: Gain a holistic understanding of community and survivor engagement. Reviewing why it is important and how it makes a difference.  
  • Ethical and Cultural Considerations: Learn how to approach FGM/C with respect and cultural sensitivity. This section provides guidance to ensure mindful interactions. 
  • Strategies to Conduct Survivor & Community Engagement: Discover different methods to connect with and support individuals and communities impacted by FGM/C. Review case studies in which organizations share their experiences with community engagement and lessons learned. 
  • Decision-Making in Program and Event Planning: Understand that every community is unique. Learn ways to adapt various forms of engagement to suit the specific needs and contexts of each community. 

“Community engagement is very important because a lot of our clients face a lot of barriers to getting services. So creating those outreach and educational community events that we do in different apartment complexes here in Columbus, where most of our refugee and immigrant clients live, provides an opportunity for us to be in the neighborhoods, be where our clients live, and help introduce them to the different services that we have at US Together.” - Hana Adelbaki, US Together 

Who Contributed? 

This toolkit is a collaborative effort, drawing on insights from individuals affiliated with organizations working in the field of FGM/C prevention and advocacy. Their experiences provide valuable perspectives on addressing FGM/C across the United States. Insights are gleaned from the following organizations: 

Their work, insights, and dedication make this toolkit what it is today—a resource created by the community, for the community.

Positive Masculinity; A Critical Tool in the Movement to End FGM/C

By Brad Mazon, PhD.

Brad is a Bhaiyo volunteer, nonprofit consultant, husband, father, and an advocate against female genital mutilation/cutting worldwide.

I had the opportunity to attend two webinars sponsored by the Men End FGM Foundation entitled “Power of Prevention: Harnessing Positive Masculinity to Combat Violence Against Women and Girls.” The title of the webinar itself indicates that masculinity, and its implementation, can be negative or toxic. During the webinar, I almost came to think of “masculinity” as a verb, given its ability to exert either a positive or negative influence on the lives of others. The term “toxic masculinity” was mentioned throughout the webinar, as folks chimed in about the need to redefine masculinity. Toxic masculinity is the idea that to be masculine is to be inherently oppressive and controlling. “Positive masculinity” was another frequently invoked term, defined as being empathic, emotionally intelligent, and honest with one’s feelings. Toxic masculinity not only affects women but men as well. Think of all of the ways that men suffer from toxic masculinity, including how it defines their life choices, decisions about a mate, how they interact with all genders, how they dress, the music they listen to or not, whether they cry or not, and even how they perceive themselves. As a gay man, I’ve recognized how American society’s notion of masculinity has influenced my path. The webinar reinforced, yet again, how masculinity is defined directly impacts all people, no matter what your gender is.

Dr. Jacqueline Chesang spoke of how it takes years to change social and gender norms. She emphasized that a whole community approach is needed so that the perspectives of men and boys are included because men can also be barriers to change if you don’t engage with them. Dr. Chesang continued by saying that men can advocate and act as role models for anti-GBV efforts and that they can share stories of standing up to norms that harm women. Dr. Chesang also emphasized that we must not exclude men in the work to end gender-based violence. If we do, the existing discriminatory power structure will be reinforced. It made me reflect upon my Midwest fraternity days, when “little sister” parties were held with nearby sororities, but had nothing to do with being “big brothers,” and everything to do with consuming alcohol and hooking up. I’ve seen positive shifts in gender norms over time, but I also know that patriarchy continues to influence women and girls in ways that even they have assumed are “normal” or “acceptable.”

Dr. Patrick Muia Ndavi, the Coordinator for Abandonment of FGM for the Africa Center in the Department of Obstetrics at the University of Nairobi, talked about how important it is to understand power dynamics when discussing FGC.  He said that a charismatic village elder is needed to help to promote gender equality. Dr. Ndavi addressed various types of power, including skill or expert power, charismatic power, coercive power, and informational power, asking the following questions for us to reflect upon: 

  1. What is the broader context of power dynamics in the community? 
  2. Whose opinion matters to everyone in the community? 
  3. Where does violence manifest itself in the community? 

Data is needed, he said, to develop and implement strategies to harness male decision-makers to become champions for women and girls. 

I asked myself where positive masculinity begins. Does it start at home, as one speaker advocated for, at school, or in the media? We are inundated with examples of toxic masculinity, even to the point of admiring the most toxic behaviors in our celebrities, business leaders, tribal elders, and politicians. How can we as societies see beyond gender stereotypes so we can build communities that respect everyone’s contributions, regardless of gender? 

As the speakers indicated, we have to adopt a multisectoral approach to tackle gender-based violence. The media needs to be engaged to help shape perceptions of masculinity. We can start by teaching boys and girls about gender equality and modeling respectful power dynamics at home. 

Thinking outside of accepted gender norms takes creativity, the willingness to change, and courage, particularly at the most personal level.  Sometimes for change to occur, it also takes an external agent (i.e. legal mechanisms), as we saw recently in The Gambia. To me, positive masculinity is about recognizing and acting on gender equality and respecting the human rights of all in a way that leaves the old, tired, and toxic ways in the dust. Men and women should be equally engaged in this journey. When that happens, there is nothing that we can’t do together to end FGM/C and stop gender-based violence.

2025 Comedy Show & Auction Sponsor Spotlight: Zehra Patwa

Sahiyo will host its third annual Women's Day Celebration & Silent Auction with the goal of raising $15,000 in support of our work to end female genital cutting. The auction will open on Wednesday, March 5th, 2025 and close on Sunday, March 9th, 2025. During this five-day fundraising event, we'll celebrate women's voices with comedy, stories, and entertainment. We’re incredibly grateful to all of our generous sponsors and supporters who have contributed some wonderful auction items. To uplift their work and thank them, we’re highlighting a few and why they support Sahiyo. And if you, too, would like to contribute in some way, click here to donate.

Today, we’re highlighting Zehra Patwa, who currently serves as Chair of the Sahiyo US Advisory Board. She is also the co-founder of WeSpeakOut, an organization that strives to work for equal rights for Bohra women in all spheres of life, specifically, on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) or khafz. 

Can you tell us about your organization and its mission?

WeSpeakOut is an organization dedicated to uplifting equal rights for Bohra women in all spheres of life. Specifically, we focus on FGM/C, all agree that this harmful practice has no place in our lives, and we want it to be banned.

What motivated you to sponsor Sahiyo’s 2025 CelebrateHer: Comedy & Auction event?

Sahiyo and WeSpeakOut have been working together for many years, and the programs that Sahiyo provides in the field of the anti-FGM/C movement have been impactful in so many ways. The CelebrateHer Comedy & Auction  is the perfect celebration of those who work to support and protect women and girls from this harmful practice.

How do you see your sponsorship making an impact in raising awareness about FGC prevention and support for survivors?

Watching the comedians perform on March 5 is a fantastic way to support Sahiyo! While what we do can be hard and heartbreaking, raising awareness through a lighthearted event acknowledges that we can support the work in a fun way, and that's the impact I hope my sponsorship has.

What message do you want to share with our readers about why supporting Sahiyo’s mission is important?

Sahiyo has been instrumental in bringing about awareness of FGC in the US and all over the world. The organization works in an incredibly sensitive way to ensure that  education and support are provided in a way that meets its audience where they are. That audience includes survivors of FGC, anti-FGC activists, health care providers, and the general public.

What personally inspires you or your team to advocate for social justice and community well-being?

As someone who has a privileged life, despite being an FGC survivor, I wanted to be able to support those who do not have the benefit of the incredible support network that I have. At WeSpeakOut, we have vowed to ensure girls’ lives are protected from what we endured.

Is there a particular moment or story in your work that has stood out as especially meaningful?

The first time I attended a Sahiyo Activist Retreat in 2018, I was burned out and on the verge of giving up my activism. The retreat was a turning point in my life by giving me the support I needed to carry on, so that I could help many more people. I will be forever grateful for Sahiyo for recognizing that this work is hard and for providing the support activists need.

Reflection on the Sahiyo Activists Retreat 2024: Zahara Kagalwalla

Each year, Sahiyo hosts an annual Activists Retreat to gather anti-FGC activists in a safe and supportive space, where they can engage in meaningful discussions about FGC. These retreats aim to foster collaboration, share insights, and strengthen efforts to eliminate this form of gender-based violence. The retreats include educational programs, self-care activities, and presentations from advocates engaged in anti-FGC advocacy initiatives in their communities. 

Below, Zahara Kagalwalla, a 2024 retreat participant, reflects on how the experience expanded her community and shares what she’s looking forward to in the next retreat.

When I signed up for Sahiyo’s virtual Activist Retreat in the summer of 2024, I expected insightful discussions, but I didn’t anticipate the deep sense of connection that would emerge—even through a screen. The excitement began weeks before the retreat, when a surprise box from Sahiyo arrived at my doorstep, filled with swag, informative materials, and wellness tools—a tangible reminder that I was about to join a powerful community.

When I opened the box from Sahiyo, the first thing that caught my eye was a beautifully designed coloring book—an unexpected but powerful reminder that activism isn’t just about policy; it’s also about healing. 

The retreat was packed with powerful sessions, but a few moments were especially memorable:

Hopes for the retreat: Things started with an intimate conversation where we shared our aspirations for the retreat. Some attendees wanted more knowledge on the legal landscape surrounding FGC, while others wanted to tap into the work of other activists to learn how they may advocate against the harmful practice. I loved that we kickstarted the retreat with the topic of intentionality and how we may help each other on our journeys.

Reflections from past activists: We had a viewing where we watched reflections from activists who participated in the Voices to End FGC workshop.  By hearing these reflections, I was reminded of the power of storytelling in advocacy. 

Art time: The Sahiyo team sent coloring books and organized a guided coloring activity as a form of self-care. I loved that we could step away for a brief moment from the sometimes heavy discussions and sessions to be in solitude, yet also in the company of this community. 

This year, I am on the planning committee for Sahiyo’s in-person activist retreat, and I couldn’t be more excited for what’s in store. A few things I’m especially looking forward to are:

The Intergenerational Dialogue Workshop: Activist Retreat  planning committee members and Sahiyo volunteers, Umme and Nur, are crafting a hands-on workshop focused on how different generations perceive, discuss, and advocate against FGC. I can’t wait to explore ways to bridge generational gaps in these difficult yet crucial conversations.

In-Person Connection: Virtual retreats are powerful, but there’s something special about being together in the same space. Past attendees have shared how the best moments often happen after official programming ends—late-night chats and laughter over shared meals. I’m eager to meet fellow activists face-to-face, learn about their journeys, and share pieces of my own.

Sahiyo Welcomes Elaina Baliner as Our New Development & Programs Fellow

Sahiyo is pleased to announce that Elaina Baliner, who previously served as our Development Intern, has transitioned into the role of Development & Programs Fellow. Elaina joined Sahiyo in July 2024, and her contributions as an intern have made a tremendous impact. From supporting our upcoming Comedy Show & Auction, to assisting with our GivingTuesday and End of Year Giving campaigns, helping to secure grant funds, contributing to trainings through presentations and resource development, and writing articles for Sahiyo’s blog, Elaina has already made a difference in our community.

We are thrilled to have Elaina take on this new fellowship role, where she will play an even more significant part in supporting Sahiyo’s Development and Programs teams. We look forward to witnessing the incredible work she will accomplish in the year ahead.

About Elaina: Elaina is a recent graduate of Ohio State University where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences with a minor in Biology. A passionate advocate for humanitarian causes and global health equity, Elaina actively seeks to maximize positive impact and close health equity gaps. Currently based in France during her gap year, Elaina is focusing on becoming fluent in French before pursuing a master's degree in Global Health in Barcelona this September. Her goal is to decentralize global health funding to enhance resource accessibility for organizations on the ground. In her free time, Elaina enjoys teaching yoga and being in nature. Elaina is thrilled to work with an organization that aligns with her dedication to empowering individuals and contributing to the movement to end female genital cutting.

Intern Spotlight: Policy Intern Rachel Aguilar

Rachel Aguilar is a fourth-year at the University of Chicago where she is a Dean's, University, and Dewey Scholar. She majors in Political Science and minors in Inequality, Social Problems, and Change. Rachel recently joined Sahiyo as a Policy Intern.

How did you first get involved with Sahiyo?

I first got involved with Sahiyo because I was intrigued by the organization and despite learning about FGM/C in other countries, I did not know that it occurred in the US. Learning that even the “husband-stitch” was considered FGM/C, got me interested in interning for Sahiyo and supporting the movement to end FGM/C.

What does your work with Sahiyo involve?

I am a policy intern! This means that I work to support Sahiyo and various policy-focused state coalitions in their work. I help write and review information packets, compile contact information, reach out to partner organizations, track legislation and official statements, and more.

How has your involvement with Sahiyo impacted your life?

Working with Sahiyo has exposed me to issues within our society, legal, and healthcare systems that I was not previously aware of. It is empowering to be involved with work that aims to support women. I am also incredibly grateful to have an opportunity to experience and participate in the policy process.

What words of wisdom would you like to share with others who may be interested in supporting Sahiyo and the movement against FGC?

FGM/C affects more people than you can imagine. I encourage people to educate themselves and find ways to get involved. Supporting Sahiyo and the movement against FGM/C can be as simple as signing a petition or writing a blog post.


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