Join Us at Sahiyos Activists Retreat

Join Us at Sahiyos Activists Retreat

Sahiyo U.S. will host its eighth annual Activists Retreat virtually via Zoom from July 26th - July 28th, 2024. Sahiyo’s Activist Retreats bring anti-FGC activists together in a safe space to female genital cutting and work together to end the practice. Survivors, activists, and anybody interested in learning more about FGC and ending it are welcome to apply! Please submit the Activists Retreat 2024 Interest Form by Saturday, June 1st, 2024 if you’re interested.

More about the retreat: 


  • Friday, July 26 - 5 to 6:30 pm PST/ 8 to 9:30 pm EST (1.5 hrs) via Zoom
  • Saturday, July 27  - 8 am to 1:00 pm PST/ 11 am to 4:00 pm EST (5 hrs) via Zoom
  • Sunday, July 28 - 8 am to 10:30 am PST/ 11 am to 1:30 pm EST (2.5 hrs) via Zoom

Who: The workshop is open to anyone residing in North America. Survivors of FGC, advocates working to end the practice, and the general public interested in learning more about anti-FGC work can attend. Previously relegated to South Asian populations only, this year the workshop will include members from Asian Pacific Islander communities as well as other groups.

What: The three-day retreat will include educational sessions, anti-FGC advocacy workshops, presentations, self-care activities for activists, and discussions about how to more effectively create change. The retreat will aim to achieve the following goals:

  • Create a support system among activists working to empower their community to abandon FGC 
  • Develop a safe space for individuals to learn more about the issue of FGC
  • Build everybody’s overall capacity to engage in activism, including sharing knowledge, resources, and networks 

Watch former activist retreat participant Lubaina Plumber share her story:

Following the workshop, Sahiyo will continue to support activists in their anti-FGC efforts as a part of our ongoing education and advocacy work to end FGM/C.

If you’re interested in taking part, please fill out Activists Retreat 2024 Interest Form by Saturday, June 1st, 2024. We also invite you to visit our website to read about past retreats and learn more about the program.

If you have any questions and would like more information about the retreat, please feel free to reach out to Samman at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..