Sahiyo understands that being a survivor of female genital cutting (FGC) is just one moment of your life and only one part of who you are as a person. Oftentimes, being labeled as a survivor can prevent people from seeing a person in any other context beyond survivorship.
Our campaign, #MoreThanASurvivor, explores our individuality and shows the world what makes us unique. After all, who we are is made up of all the moments in our lives, not just one.
Where do you live?
Mumbai, India
Where’s the favorite place you have traveled to, lived in, or would like to visit?
What are some of your passions?
Photography, reading and travel
What does an average day look like for you?
The average day in my life goes like this:
I wake up at around 10 a.m. or 11 a.m. on a weekday. I lie on my bed checking social media. I reply to any text I receive. Even after that, I lie in bed for an extra ten minutes thinking about random things, but usually recalling the dreams I had. Then I get ready while listening to my music, put on a face mask, and get myself something to drink. I then talk to my family for a while, and schedule a time for lunch with my sister so we can try to eat together. After lunch I either read or watch a movie. I also spend some of my time going through job opportunities. Otherwise, it’s just spent annoying my sister! If I am very hungry and tired, I get myself a quick snack. Most evenings are spent looking out the window and discovering/listening to music on YouTube and Spotify. Depending on how hungry I am, I plan dinner. After eating, I usually chill with my dad and play a few games or talk to my sister about the new memes we’ve come across. We all hangout in the family room for a while, and then I get on a call with friends and catch up with them. Before going to bed I check my social media, review my to do list, and organise my tasks for the next day.
What are some things you do for self-care?
Self care is extremely important to me, so I make sure I’m feeling good by having a skincare routine, spending time reading, making myself something to eat from scratch (typically pancakes), getting on call with a close friend, listening to music, giving myself a pep talk and writing it down, watching a feel good movie/series–usually end up watching Friends.

What are five words to describe you?
Creative, adaptable, honest, dependable, eccentric
What are your hobbies?
Photography, reading, watching movies
What is your profession or what career would you like to be in?
Travel and tourism
What did you want to be when you grew up?
A dog walker
What is your favorite food?
What is your proudest achievement?
My proudest achievement was receiving the H.E.R. Award by Barkha Dutt and UN Women.
What is a hidden talent that you possess?
My hidden talent is that I can give the best pep talks.