Reflecting on Our Father’s Day Bhaiyo Campaign

Reflecting on Our Father’s Day Bhaiyo Campaign

We would like to thank all of those who participated in our public awareness campaign surrounding male engagement in the movement against FGC. In honor of Father’s Day 2024, Sahiyo’s male engagement program, Bhaiyo, launched a campaign to help survivors and activists have productive conversations with the men in their lives about FGC. Throughout June and into July, we shared videos, quotes and articles on our social media platforms and blog, highlighting how men can raise awareness about FGC and voicing their support for ending the practice.

We encourage you to take a look at the inspiring blogs and posts that were published throughout this campaign:

To view the social media posts from this campaign please visit our Instagram page @sahiyovoices.

Once again we would like to thank all of those who participated in the campaign, your efforts to engage in difficult, thought provoking, and important conversations with the men in your lives is crucial in the movement to end FGC.

To learn more about Sahiyo’s male engagement program, Bhaiyo, click here.