Sahiyo teams up with Feminist Challenge 2K17

During the week of February 6th, Sahiyo connected with Feminist Challenge to create a challenge around the topic of FGC.  Feminist Challenge is an online newsletter created to encourage men to approach empathy with women by building their own personal testimonies of awkwardness, inconvenience, and pain. The belief behind this approach is that performance can add a different level of appreciation above intellectual understanding. The more men fully appreciate the feminist call to equality, the better our society will be. Each week those who have signed up partake in a challenge to help everyone to think more deeply about feminist issues.

On February 6th, the challenge on FGC included 1) Watching a story on FGC 2) Reflecting on it by journaling on a) how the person felt after watching, listening, or reading the story b) reflecting on a time in their life where they encountered violence or someone they knew encountered violence.

The advocacy event was included as part of Sahiyo’s February 6th events for Zero Tolerance Day. Over 400 people have signed up to take part in Feminist Challenge.