Sahiyo staff spotlight: Development assistant Michelle Taylor

Michelle comes to Sahiyo with over a decade of nonprofit development and fundraising experience focusing on various areas including youth development, health, education, and women’s empowerment. Michelle earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from California State University, Long Beach, majoring in finance and international business. She developed a strong sense of commitment to bettering the world by focusing on individual communities as a Small Enterprise Development Peace Corps Volunteer in Sénégal, West Africa. Expanding on this desire to help others, she then earned a Master of Science in International Affairs from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Michelle is excited to bring her vast knowledge of finance, marketing, managing successful nonprofit events, drive to help others, and passion for her greater community to help advance Sahiyo’s mission to end female genital cutting and create positive social change through dialogue, education, and collaboration.
What was your experience of learning about female genital cutting (FGC) for the first time like?
I first learned about FGC while serving in the Peace Corps in West Africa. I was initially shocked to learn that FGC is practiced around the world today and that even young girls in my host village, some younger than one year old, had experienced this. I believe that ending the practice of FGC is not only a matter of human rights, health and safety, but a matter of gender equality. The more we are able to educate the masses about this practice and its negative effects on children and women, we will be one step closer to seeing the end of FGC.
When and how did you get involved with Sahiyo?
I started working with Sahiyo in February after finding the job posting on Indeed. I was so excited to have found this incredible organization and was especially thrilled to join a group led by strong, inspiring women working toward the goal to end FGC!
What does your work with Sahiyo include?
As Development Assistant, I provide administrative and development support on various programs and projects, including current and potential grant opportunities and funds. I'm also excited to be organizing a silent auction fundraiser, which will be the first that this organization has done. I currently manage one amazing Development Intern and hope to bring on a few more to our Development Team over the coming months.
How has your involvement with Sahiyo impacted your life?
Working for such an important cause makes me excited to see the change and impact every day! I've loved working in the nonprofit development arena over the past number of years - helping worthy organizations raise the funds they need to make the world a better place is incredibly rewarding. I'm excited to spread awareness of Sahiyo and work toward ending FGC globally.
What words of wisdom would you like to share with others who may be interested in supporting Sahiyo and the movement against FGC?
I would recommend that everyone take the initiative to learn as much as you can about this human rights violation and its effects on women and children. Then spread awareness by sharing the information you learn with friends and family. You can support Sahiyo by volunteering, donating to our cause, and we're always looking for enthusiastic and driven interns!