Sahiyo U.S. joins South Asian SOAR as member organization

Sahiyo U.S. is grateful to be welcomed as one of the newest member organizations of South Asian SOAR, a U.S.-based coalition working to end gender-based violence (GBV) in the South Asian diaspora. SOAR is a national collective of survivors, 30+ organizations, and allies who are passionate about changing the high prevalence of GBV among South Asians (over half of South Asians experience some form of GBV). SOAR works to strengthen the field that serves survivors, shift the narrative through data and community-based research, and support the healing and leadership of survivors through storytelling. By bridging urgent, direct-service work with national-level action and advocacy, SOAR is co-creating a future of joy, healing, and justice.

Learn more about South Asian SOAR’s work.