Takeaways from Sahiyo’s Webinar on Framing FGM/C

Takeaways from Sahiyo’s Webinar on Framing FGM/C

Sahiyo’s recent webinar, “Framing FGM/C: Understanding and Engaging with Cultural Sensitivity,” left a lasting impression on many of the attendees. With over 160 registrants, the session successfully opened up important conversations on how framing can shape our approach to ending female genital cutting (FGC).

Feedback from participants shared after the event shed light on how this training has influenced their perspectives and engagement. One of the key takeaways from the webinar was how critical it is to frame discussions around FGM/C in a way that respects cultural contexts while still advocating for change. 

As one participant shared:

"It has opened my eyes to an ongoing issue that I hadn’t been fully aware of before. I plan on using the communication skills presented in this slideshow for organizing and discussing issues."

Throughout the session, participants shared their thoughts and experiences, many remarking on how the personal stories shared deeply moved them. Digital stories shown from the Voices to End FGM/C project sparked meaningful reflections on how the way we talk about FGM/C impacts both the movement and those affected:

"Seeing Renee's story really impacted me and demonstrated the importance of awareness of this world issue."

"Hearing stories always motivates me towards advocacy – the courage is contagious."

This training was funded by the Washington State Department of Health and held in partnerships with the U.S. Network to End FGM/C. Visit the Washington state project website to learn more and watch Renee's story below!