The hearing for Washington Senate Bill 5453 concerning female genital mutilation/cutting

On Monday, January 30th at 10:30am PST, SB 5453 concerning female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) will be called for a hearing by the Washington state Law and Justice Committee. The bill, which was only introduced on January 18th, aims to: create a private right of action for survivors of FGM/C; prohibit providers from performing FGM/C on a minor; establish education and outreach initiatives to prevent FGM/C; provide care for victims and families of FGM/C.

If you live in Washington or have expertise on FGM/C, here are ways to voice support for the passage of legislation:

  1. Provide oral testimony during the hearing either in-person or virtually by signing up here
  2. Submit written testimony with this link. Please note that written testimony is due within 24 hours after the hearing.
  3. Vote in support of the bill without providing any oral or written testimony here.
  4. Sign this petition created by Abid and Maryum Saifee (this can be done in combination with any of the other options).

For more information, take a look at the Washington Coalition’s factsheet to learn more about this bill and its significance.


Statement from the Washington Coalition:

We are a newly formed Coalition working to end the practice of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in the State of Washington. We comprise a broad group of survivors, stakeholders and advocates. Forty US States have laws banning the practice of FGM/C. Washington has yet to address this important human rights issue in any manner. This proposed legislation SB 5453 under review today is a good first step towards ending the practice and supporting survivors in Washington State.


Review the Washington Coalition’s factsheet to learn more about this bill and its significance. Additionally, in case you missed the hearing, click here to watch!